blendtec blender giveaway
We're giving away a Blendtec TB-621-20 Total Blender, and we want to make you a winner!

blendtec blender giveaway

Update – the winner has been announced. See below the image gallery.

We’ve made you wait a long time for our next giveaway, and we promise, the wait has been worth it. Look what we have in store for you.

Long time Fooduciary readers know our love affair with our Blendtec blender. It has traveled the world, fueling us with power-packed smoothies from Utah, to Costa Rica, to Australia, all the way back to Texas, with a few more stops along the way.

Our Blendtec never leaves the counter. It’s the one appliance we use on a daily basis, and often more than once. Smoothies, sauces, creams, soups – it all happens in the Blendtec.

Want to know why the Blendtec makes the other competitors look second rate? Read this little diddy right here: Blendtec vs Vitamix.

We’ve been using this blender for years, telling you all about it, and it’s time to share the love. We are thrilled at the idea of one of our beloved Fooduciary readers sharing in the joy that only a top of the line blender can bring. (Cheesy, we know. But other Blendtec owners get it. : )

So here it is. We’re giving away a Blendtec TB-621-20 Total Blender, and we want to make you a winner! We have all the usual ways to enter, and this time photos will get you even closer to Blendtec bliss.

How to Enter to Win

1) Go to this link to see the Blendtec Blender you’ll be winning then use the Rafflecopter form below to enter.

2) Make sure you’re signed up to our free weekly e-magazine. If you’re not already a subscriber, add your email to the form below. You can unsubscribe at any time. Just know that you must be subscribed in order to be eligible to win the prize…yep, we check!

4) Get bonus entries for liking us on Facebook, following us on Pinterest, following us on Twitter, sharing this giveaway with your friends and followers, and leaving a comment. All you need to do is click the โ€œEnterโ€ button on all entries that you complete.

5) You can get 5 extra entries if you pin this on Pinterest! (See the rafflecopter widget for details.)

6) Want even more entries? Take a picture of your favorite smoothie, or anything else you make in a blender, upload it below, and share it on any social media site (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.) with a link back to this page. You’ll get 10 bonus entries for putting in the time and dedication.

The contest will close at midnight central time on September 15th. We’ll announce the winner right here on this page on September 18th and you’ll have 72 hours to claim your prize so stay tuned!

Ready? Go!!

PLEASE NOTE: We will only send the actual product to US residents only. If you live outside of the US, we will send you a $400 Amazon gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Share your fun photos!




UPDATE: Oh man. It’s finally time. We’ve been looking forward to this for over a month. The day to reveal the winner has finally arrived.

Someone today is walking away with a brand new Blendtec. Names have been entered, photos were submitted, and now the name has been drawn. Are you ready? Drum roll please.

The winner of the Blendtec blender isโ€ฆ

Janice R.! (janandfam8@โ€ฆ)

Congratulations Janice!! We couldn’t be more excited and happy for you. To claim your prize please send your mailing address within 7 days to โ€œfeeds at fooduciary dot comโ€ and weโ€™ll get your blender on its way to you.

We wish we could make you all winners. We really do appreciate you joining our little contest and supporting us in our little mission to improve the way the world eats.

Be sure to sign up for our emails so you never miss a giveaway. Remember, you have to be an active subscriber at the time of the drawing to win!

186 thoughts on “Closed: Blendtec Professional’s Choice Total Blender

    1. Just use the blender you have now. We know it’s not as fun as a Blendtec, but we’ll accept it. ๐Ÿ™‚ Or, if you’re going from no blender to a Blendtec, you’re in for a ride!

  1. I believe you have to understand how crappy “ordinary” blenders are for a time before you can fully appreciate the awesomeness of a Blendtec… no fair going from no blender to a Blendtec!

    1. Good point. You have suffer through those cheapo’s to appreciate just how good the Blendtec is, right? Fair enough. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Thank you for this opportunity. My pictured creation is made with an Hamilton Beach. I have yet to taste anything from a Blentech. Crossing my fingers ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. This blender would be a amazing upgrade to what I currently have. I think I would use this more than 5 times a day, that’s just how bad I need this haha.

  4. I have been through SOOOO many ghetto blenders. I literally pay about $20 and they die on me once a year. You’d think I’d learn! I’ve been dying to have one of these forever!!!

  5. Just reading about it thrills me! My last 2 blenders were disappointments and I am without a blender at the moment. Would love to win this!

  6. i would love to win and compare it to a vitamix, i tried one out for a while but sent it back ’cause we couldn’t afford it but i love to make fruit and veggie smoothies

  7. I make my own coconut milk in the blender, so I’d probably do that first because I’m addicted! I’d also make soups, smoothies, and yummy frozen banana ice cream!

  8. What an awesome giveaway. I do have a high-powered blender and love the smoothies it makes (as well as soups, sauces, nut butters, etc). However, I’ve heard great things about Blendtec. It would be an awesome prize!

  9. I would love to make my morning smoothie with it: banana, coconut milk, cinnamon, flax meal, spinach or kale, strawberries and other berries, ice! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. You can. The regular jar that comes as the default isn’t the best option, though. There’s one called the Wild Side that works a bit better for nut butters.

  10. I want to make my own butters, creams and food, we are converting to a NON-GMO life style and this blender would help a lot!!

  11. I’ve been making my almond milk in my blender and have too much almond pulp left over!
    I’d also make my own nut butters!

  12. I’ve always wanted a Blendtec. I want to make my own nut butters and milks with ease. Great giveaway!

  13. My blender creations aren’t interesting enough to post a photo! I want to make green smoothies that are actually smooth. Crazy expectation? I know Blendtec can do it! It’s not the most glamorous answer, I know. I want to try soup, ice cream, nut butters, brownies, and a hundred more, but first will be kale and strawberries liquified!

  14. I posted a pic of my Green Green Smoothie that I make in my ole stinkin’ blender. Blendtec has been on my wishlist for about 5 years… needless to say, it would be AWESOME to finally have one!!

  15. I just discovered today that my cute little blender is cracked. I’m too hard on blenders so it would be nice to finally have one that can handle it!

  16. I love to make smoothies, so I’m sure that would be one of the first things to come out of my blendtec! Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. My Cousin sells Blendtecs. He’s lost over 100 lbs by eating raw using his Blendtec. I’ve tried making his creations with my little Oster. Doesn’t work!! I would love to have a powerful blender like his! Thanks for the opportunity!

  18. we have had a vita-mix for many years and loved it UNTIL WE SAW THE BLENDTEC !! They fixed all the things we didn’t like about the vita-mix and it is just awesome. i want one so much.

  19. I literally just found you with this giveaway. Yea! Ready to learn, and eat smarter! Winning this awesome blender wouldn’t be a bad thing, either.

  20. I would love to make green smoothies with kale, spinach, cucumber, celery, and some fruit or maybe some banana “ice cream”!!

  21. The first thing I would make would be anything at home I could blend up. I would probably just start blending whatever I could get my hands on.

  22. I would absolutely love to finally have a blender that will crush more than a banana! Mine burnt up so I am improvising and it is not working out to well in the antique food processor I have! Even I have to laugh at the mess I make trying to blend anything up!

  23. just signed up for your newsletter, and I am following you on Pinterest… I don’t have an image of my favorite smoothie but it’s Kale and Watermelon… try it you’ll LOVE โ™ฅ it!

  24. Every day I repin, FB,Google,Digg,Tweet and I am not sure if I am to do each every day or just the one it says? I guess it is better safe than sorry. I want to win this so bad! Not that it is going to help any but I am doing it anyway because I don’t know any better.

  25. Hi Mrs J, I have saw a recipe for that on Pinterest but is the Kale not to strong? I love Kale chips but can’t imagine that and the watermelon which is my fave and I have one chilling in the fridge right now about to eat it and then do something interesting with the rest as I have it. I love grilled watermelon!

  26. I want a nice cool beautiful smoothie right now I can hardly stand it! YUMMMMMMMMMY!! I am not cracking that ice in the palm of my hand with a spoon tonight though…tooooo tired! Whew..

  27. I’d definitely make some enough homemade basil & hempseed pesto to last my new husband and I straight through the winter ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for this opportunity!!!!

  28. I’m looking for a supercool blender to make supercool shakes and soups,one that I’ll never have to replace…

  29. I would love this blender! I would make some ice cream in the blender, without an ice cream maker. frozen bananas and berries, yeah!

  30. I think I would start blending anything possible! But I’m looking forward to making healthy soups all fall & winter!

  31. Put my pic up (yourfitnessRN) noted in the corner. Mary Ann M. This would be a great addition to my fitness routine.

  32. Would absolutely LOVE to win this blender! It is so awesome. I would be making soups and smoothies first. Thanks for offering the chance to win.

  33. I would love to make the Raw Fudgesicles in this. My VitaMix is on its last leg and just this morning I was thinking “I have to start budgeting for one”. This would beat a budget! Thanks! โ™ฅ

  34. My blender is terrible! ๐Ÿ™ If I had this, I would make a lot of delicious Horchata! *squuuueeee*

  35. Full nutrient blended smoothies is a wonderful way to heal the body. I just got my parents started on this road!

  36. I had the pleasure of seeing a demo of the Blendtec and the Vitamix last summer and that is when I got hooked on the Blendtec, it is a far superior machine and I put it on my Bucket list that day. I currently make smoothies using a blender but having seen an in person demo I know that the Blendtec would take my smoothie and everything else I make to the to of the hill.
    I tell everyone about the Blendtec and I am often asked how just seeing a demo could make me such a big cheerleader for a product, well research and demo = education and desire.
    Thank you for offering this giveaway. Good Luck to all the entrant’s.
    Got Blendtec!


  38. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hey there Fooduciary people! I just jumped in the boat. I am ready for these!! Magical Adventures in my Kitchen await for you Blendtec ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. I would love to make a great smoothie with greens and fruits without any small particles left! The Blendtec ould be perfect for my family!

  40. trying to decide between blendtec and vitamix. leaning toward the blendtec. i like the idea of the twister jar to make almond butter!

    1. There’s really no comparison. ๐Ÿ™‚ Only playing, they’re both great blenders. The ability to do nut butters with the twister jar is pretty fun though.

  41. Would love to have one… what I’d make? The daily fat/protein/calorie shakes/smoothies my son has to have for dietary/medial purposes. It would save a lot of time/cleanup. Then… look into make his special nut butters & flours that cost an arm & a leg to buy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. I would love to win this. The Blendtec is the SUPER MACHINE that could help me add more nutrition fresh foods into my diet and optimize my health. ๐Ÿ™‚ I would love to start my mornings off with a fresh smoothie drink.

  43. I might try making almond milk. It has been quite awhile since I have had a full size blender. I have one of those small, personal size blender thing-a-ma-jigs. I make cashew cheeses, dressings, and such but with fall here I would love to be adding some blended soups. Of course we are a huge hummus consuming household too. I can think of ALL kinds of things to make!

  44. I just wanted to make sure my comment went through, I still don’t see the first one as visible, so I am submitting another one. I posted a picture on Pinterest of my cashew cheese. I make a LOT of cashew cheese and hummus too. I would love to move into making almond milk and nut butters. I have heard great things about Blendtec. I make about 97% of our food from scratch so I really appreciate quality kitchen products. Thank you for the chance to win one!

  45. Would use it to make my fire roasted tomato and garlic pizza sauce! I bet I would not even have to strain seeds with as powerful as the Blendtec blender is!

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