What is Fooduciary?
Fooduciary.com is a fun place to get together and enjoy learning about food, health, and nutrition with others who enjoy the conversation as well. Our website and newsletter shares information that empowers everyone to feel better and live happier. Our approach is “Food for health, clean eating style.” We love food in all it’s real, unprocessed, beautiful forms.
Our mission is to supply the tools that can give EVERY person the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle without counting calories, fat grams, or feeling guilty. We want to create a community where thousands of conscious eaters from all over the world come together in support and celebration of each other and the amazing food this earth provides.
What you eat has more influence on how you feel and live than any other single factor, genetics included. With the right information and approach, you can determine your own health destiny and live a life free of common sicknesses and diseases.
Join us on this magnificent journey to learn to eat the way nature intended and be happy doing it. Just enter your email address and you’ll also receive a free copy of “5 Days to Clean Eating.”
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