It's hard to go wrong with rice pudding, except when you use dairy to make it. Nothing's worse than a mouthful of great flavor followed by a day of tummy rumbles and nasal congestion. Lucky for humanity, rice pudding is not only easy to make dairy free, it's actually even tastier!

My fondness for rice pudding started when I lived in Brazil for two years in my early twenties. While a meal of rice and beans was a daily occurrence, a rice pudding dessert was another very common dish. And I never grew tired of either one. My mom would make it when I was a kid, but she’d always put raisins in it and to me that made it gross so I never ate it (I told her it was an old person’s dessert). But after Brazil, where you can never refuse offered food, rice pudding became a favorite to not be able to say no to. Yeah, I was a bit chubby when I came home from that trip. 🙂

It’s hard to go wrong with rice pudding, except when you use dairy to make it. Nothing’s worse than a mouthful of great flavor followed by a day of tummy rumbles and nasal congestion. Lucky for humanity, rice pudding is not only easy to make dairy free, it’s actually even tastier!

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