I just returned from a whirlwind trip to Atlanta to have my Endodontic brother-in-law give me a root canal. He did a fantastic job – definitely worth going across the country for.
I couldn’t help but notice the population there seems to be made up of a very high percentage of overweight and obese people. I also noted the “World of Coke” headquarters as we were driving through downtown.
Those two observations made me think of something else I’ve noticed: most people I observe drinking diet sodas are overweight.
I stopped drinking soda completely last year when I learned just how negatively high fructose corn syrup, and even regular sugar (especially refined) impact health. Prior to that, when I did drink an occasional soda, I always drank regular soda instead of diet, feeling I’d rather have something at least somewhat natural as opposed to the chemicals.
I’m glad I did. It is becoming widely accepted that the chemical sweeteners used to reduce the calorie content of “diet food” (designed to help people lose weight) actually contributes to obesity and weight gain.
The bottom line is that chemicals and weight loss don’t go together, no matter how cleverly marketed or how addictive the substance. So ditch the chemicals and eat it real!