Do you or your child have recurrent ear infections? Colds? Frequent fevers?
While it is normal to battle an occasional cold, recurring or frequent infections may be a sign that the body needs more support. This is especially true when allergies are present.
If you or your child is sick too often, it’s time to take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and learn ways to reinforce the immune system.
Probiotics and the Immune System
The digestive tract plays a starring role in how flexible, resilient, and strong the immune system is.
Here’s how the relationship between the gut and the immune system works:
1. Your Immune System
When the gut is leaky or suffering from Candida overgrowth, or when the inner ecosystem is out of balance, this puts more stress on the immune system. This is because the immune system acts as a filter that detects and protects against outside bacteria, yeast, viruses, parasites, and toxins.
The inner ecosystem includes tissue that lines the gut wall, cells that belong to the immune system, and microscopic organisms that live in partnership with your body.
Mostly bacteria, these microscopic organisms—or microorganisms—influence how the immune system acts in the body. For example, research shows that beneficial gut bacteria can reduce inflammation in the digestive tract.1 Good gut bacteria help to seal a leaky gut and prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.2
Also important to the immune system is a big mass of lymph tissue located beneath the intestines, known as GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue).
2. Probiotics
Probiotics are living microorganisms—like bacteria and yeast—that are consumed for health benefits.3 Probiotics are similar to the normal bacteria and yeast found in the gut of a healthy person.
A large body of research shows that probiotic supplements and probiotic-rich fermented foods can help children overcome common infections and disorders. This includes diarrhea, ear infection, allergic rhinitis (runny nose and congestion), eczema, food sensitivities, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, and even non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children.4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
In short, probiotics can support the:
- Skin
- Respiratory system
- Immune system
- Digestive system
- Liver
While probiotics are a great way to restore a healthy inner ecosystem, research shows that not all probiotic supplements are created equal.
Besides the different strains of probiotics that you have to choose from, you also need to decide on whether to use a probiotic supplement or fermented foods. High-fiber plant foods are a unique prebiotic food that feed gut bacteria.
Your Child’s Immune System—From the Perspective of Chinese Medicine
Chinese medicine—a “folk” medicine that has garnered the approval of the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO)—tells us that children are different than adults.
1. Infants and Children Are Weak in the Earth Element.
In Chinese medicine, the Earth element corresponds to digestive function.
Spit up, hiccups, vomiting, colic, inconsistent bowel movements, and rashes are all common during babyhood—growing less common as a child ages. Because babies grow quickly, they require more nutrients than adults. They are also trying new foods and constantly engaging their immune system. These extra demands can make signs of digestive distress more pronounced. And it is naturally for babies and children to have a strong desire for sweet foods.
2. Infants and Children Have Weak Lungs and Protective Qi.
Infants and children naturally have immune systems that are weak and scattered. What this means is that they are more susceptible to illness and infection. This is especially true of the respiratory system. And this is why children have a greater risk of developing the common cold, a cough, or pneumonia.
Which Strains of Probiotics Matter Most?
Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the most studied probiotics in the scientific journals—which is why so many formulations include it. Lactobacillus acidophilusis native to your gut and the birth canal. It helps to control infection and promotes the overall health of the body. In the digestive tract, Lactobacillus acidophilus produces vitamin K and key enzymes that help digest food.
But, the reality is that there are far more strains of good bacteria in the gut than Lactobacillus acidophilus.
In fact, research on probiotics often includes a wide range of bacteria from major groups of probiotic bacteria, like lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. And while all probiotic bacteria do good things in the body, each species of bacteria plays its own unique role.
When it comes to figuring out which probiotics are best for your child, first consider two factors:
1. Early Experiences. How a baby is born—via C-section or the birth canal—and whether or not a baby is breastfed, influences his or her inner ecosystem.12 If colic, acid reflux, cradle cap, or eczema showed up within your baby’s first year, his or her inner ecosystem may need extra support.
2. Diversity. Diversity—or a rich inner ecosystem—safeguards against many childhood diseases and promotes health.13 This means that exposure to a broad spectrum of probiotics is better than exposure to just one strain.
Studies have found that even in the worst-case scenario, the addition of probiotics and prebiotics can improve the risk for disorders that are associated with a wounded inner ecosystem—such as eczema, food allergies, and asthma.14,15
Some of the most well researched strains of probiotic bacteria and yeast include:
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacillus plantarum
- Lactobacillus kefyr
- Lactococcus lactis
- Saccharomyces boulardii
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Saccaromyces unisporus
- Kluyveromyces marxianus
Focus on Fermented Foods
One of the best steps you can take to support your child’s health is to introduce him or her to fermented foods. Fermented foods are naturally rich in probiotic bacteria and yeast. They are a prebiotic for bacteria in the gut. They are pre-digested, making them easier for the digestive system to break down. And the sour taste of fermented foods helps control cravings for sweet, starchy foods.
Below are a few tips to get started with probiotic-rich foods:
- Introduce just the juice from cultured vegetables.
- Use just a few ounces of coconut water kefir or a probiotic beverage.
- Make a smoothie with Vitality SuperGreen, which is fermented and includes probiotic bacteria.
Research shows that children are tribal and often mirror their parents.16 Incorporating fermented foods into your diet may be a great way to make them a staple in your child’s diet too.
What To Remember Most About This Article:
It may seem normal these days for a child to be constantly ill, but it is often the sign of a larger underlying issue. The health of the digestive tract will determine the strength of the immune system, plain and simple. A leaky gut, Candida overgrowth, or an imbalanced inner ecosystem can all weaken the immune system to make a child even more susceptible to illness and infection.
Fortunately, research has proven time and again that probiotic-rich fermented foods can help children to overcome health issues, including:
- Diarrhea
- Ear infections
- Congestion/runny nose
- Eczema
- Food sensitivities
- Inflammatory bowel disease
Boosting your child’s immunity with diverse probiotics is the best approach to improve gut and immune health. Since kids often mimic their parents, make it a family affair by enjoying probiotics and fermented foods at home each day.
1 Rakoff-Nahoum, S., Paglino, J., Eslami-Varzaneh, F., Edberg, S., & Medzhitov, R. (2004). Recognition of commensal microflora by toll-like receptors is required for intestinal homeostasis. Cell, 118(2), 229-241.
2 Boirivant, M., & Strober, W. (2007). The mechanism of action of probiotics. Current opinion in gastroenterology, 23(6), 679-692.
3 Pineiro, M., & Stanton, C. (2007). Probiotic bacteria: legislative framework—requirements to evidence basis. The Journal of nutrition, 137(3), 850S-853S.
4 Goldenberg, J. Z., Ma, S. S., Saxton, J. D., Martzen, M. R., Vandvik, P. O., Thorlund, K., … & Johnston, B. C. (2013). Probiotics for the prevention of Clostridium difficile‐associated diarrhea in adults and children. status and date: New, published in, (5).
5 Niittynen, L., Pitkäranta, A., & Korpela, R. (2012). Probiotics and otitis media in children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 76(4), 465-470.
6 Lin, T. Y., Chen, C. J., Chen, L. K., Wen, S. H., & Jan, R. H. (2013). Effect of probiotics on allergic rhinitis in Df, Dp or dust-sensitive children: A randomized double blind controlled trial. Indian Pediatrics, 50(2), 209-213.
7 Rosenfeldt, V., Benfeldt, E., Valerius, N. H., Pærregaard, A., & Michaelsen, K. F. (2004). Effect of probiotics on gastrointestinal symptoms and small intestinal permeability in children with atopic dermatitis. The Journal of pediatrics, 145(5), 612-616.
8 Bisgaard, Hans, et al. Reduced diversity of the intestinal microbiota during infancy is associated with increased risk of allergic disease at school age. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2011; 128 (3): 646.
9 Pigneur, B., & Ruemmele, F. M. (2013). Probiotics in the Prevention and Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in Children.
10 Mesquita, D. N., Barbieri, M. A., Goldani, H. A., Cardoso, V. C., Goldani, M. Z., Kac, G., … & Bettiol, H. (2013). Cesarean Section Is Associated with Increased Peripheral and Central Adiposity in Young Adulthood: Cohort Study. PloS one, 8(6), e66827.
11 Vajro, P., Lenta, S., Pignata, C., Salerno, M., D’Aniello, R., De Micco, I., … & Parenti, G. (2012). Therapeutic options in pediatric non alcoholic fatty liver disease: current status and future directions. Italian journal of pediatrics, 38(1), 55.
12 Biasucci, G., Benenati, B., Morelli, L., Bessi, E., & Boehm, G. (2008). Cesarean delivery may affect the early biodiversity of intestinal bacteria. The Journal of nutrition, 138(9), 1796S-1800S
13 Matamoros, S., Gras-Leguen, C., Le Vacon, F., Potel, G., & de La Cochetiere, M. F. (2013). Development of intestinal microbiota in infants and its impact on health. Trends in microbiology.
14 Yuniaty, T., Fiva Kadi, H. S., Novikasari, M., Kosuwon, P., Rezzonico, E., Piyabanditkul, P., … & Turini, M. (2013). Impact of Bifidobacterium lactis supplementation on fecal microbiota in infants delivered vaginally compared to Caesarean section. Paediatrica Indonesiana, 53(2), 89-98.
15 Giovannini, M., Agostoni, C., Riva, E., Salvini, F., Ruscitto, A., Zuccotti, G. V., & Radaelli, G. (2007). A randomized prospective double blind controlled trial on effects of long-term consumption of fermented milk containing Lactobacillus casei in pre-school children with allergic asthma and/or rhinitis. Pediatric research, 62(2), 215-220.
16 Elfhag, K., Tholin, S., & Rasmussen, F. (2008). Consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweets and soft drinks are associated with psychological dimensions of eating behaviour in parents and their 12-year-old children. Public health nutrition, 11(9), 914.